Chelmsford Community Education
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Extended Day 2024-2025 Register View Cart

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2024-2025 SCHOOL YEAR
1st months tuition and registration fee are due at the time of registration. Registration is not complete until your payment has been made. 

Extended Day starts the first day of school. For billing purposes, the schedule starts the first day of September.

Spots are limited.

Welcome to Extended Day!

        The goal of the Chelmsford Extended Day Program is to provide an invaluable service to working parents of children in Chelmsford Public Schools.  The staff will make every effort to provide a safe and harmonious environment in which your child can make age appropriate choices that lead to sound social, emotional, and physical development.

        Our program is located in five buildings for students entering Kindergarten through Grade 6: the Byam, Center, Harrington, and South Row Schools, for both the morning and afternoon sessions, and in the Parker Middle School for just the afternoon session. Elementary students will use their own buildings both before and after school.  For the morning program, middle school students can be dropped off at their neighborhood elementary buildings and transportation will be provided to Parker Middle School. 

Byam School 978-788-6445
Center School 978-251-0933
Harrington School 978-788-6154
South Row School 978-788-6746
Parker School 978-251-5133 x 6679

Extended Day can be reached at these numbers after 3:15 pm.
Please do not call your child out absent to the Extended Day Site.

To best accommodate your schedule you have the option to choose morning Drop Off time of 7:00 am or 8:00 am and/or afternoon Pick Up times are 4:30 pm or 6:00 pm.

Monthly 2024-2025 Pricing:

1 Day per week   
7:00am Drop Off $83
8:00am Drop Off $71                                                               

2 Days per week
7:00am Drop Off $143
8:00am Drop Off $128                                                                  

3 Days per week
7:00am Drop Off $203
8:00am Drop Off $173                                                                  

4 Days per week
7:00am Drop Off $266
8:00am Drop Off $216                                                                  

5 Days per week
7:00am Drop Off $311
8:00am Drop Off $254                                                                  


1 Day per week   
4:30pm Pick Up $94
6:00pm Pick Up $136                                                              

2 Days per week
4:30pm Pick Up $164
6:00pm Pick Up $214                                                                     

3 Days per week
4:30pm Pick Up $218
6:00pm Pick Up $303                                                                    

4 Days per week
4:30pm Pick Up $283
6:00pm Pick Up $379                                                                    

5 Days per week
4:30pm Pick Up $347
6:00pm Pick Up $455         

As Needed:
AM: $30
PM: $45
*to request an As Needed spot please email us at 

*Teacher Discounts will be applied at a later date.
*If you believe you qualify for a discount, please follow up with 

**You must pick only one Drop Off or Pick Up time.

If you need a statement of all payments for childcare services please follow the steps below:
  1. Login to your MYREC account.
  2. Go to the account overview.
  3. Click on ‘tax deductible’.
  4. Set date range (calendar year). Submit
  5. Click on ‘view payment information’
  6. Print
Our Tax ID number is 04-6001112

For Registration: Only add 1 Registration fee to your cart per child.

*The Snack Allergy List and Snack Allergy Form will be out at a later date

Register Activity Ages Grades Days Date/Time Fees
  Registration Unavailable
View Registration Eligibility
Parker Extended Day AM Childcare 
N/A 5 - 6 MTuWThF  09/02/2024 - 06/30/2025
07:00 AM - 09:00 AM

See Options
* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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