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Quilting: Beginning Embellishments NEW! Register View Cart

Learn several embellishing methods using threads, beads, lace, and other materials to enhance an article of clothing, decorative pillow cover, wall quilt/hanging, and more.  Basic techniques will include embroidery, beadwork, layered fabrics, and applique.  You will have the option of working on a specific item you bring to class, or work on a sample piece of fabric.

Instructor can provide small packets of beading thread, assorted beads, buttons, lace and ribbons for $15.  There will also be an option to pick through a selection of different floss colors and fabric pieces for applique for an additional $10.  These options are for those who do not wish to invest in supplies while learning.

Instructor:  Melissa J. Dawson

Since making her first quilt in 1995 Melissa has tried various techniques and styles, but regardless of technique, design or materials they all rely on understanding the basics of measuring, color and construction. This beginning class will introduce these basics and encourage students to expand them into their own unique sense of color and design.

Supply List
Supplies Needed:
- Size 8 or 9 needles
- Long thin beading needle
- Fabric scissors or embroidery snips
- One spool thread. 100% cotton or cotton covered poly (neutral color such as medium gray, cream or beige)
- Beading thread
- Adjustable embroidery hoop. 6"-8" in size
- Embroidery floss in a variety of colors
- Selection of smallish lengths of lace, ribbons or other fabrics for applique
- Assorted beads and buttons
- Optional: pencil, paper, thimble, washout pen or pencil, template material (plastic report covers, magazine inserts, light weight cardboard)

Fabric: If using a piece of fabric as a sampler piece, 100% cotton preferred. For practice samples, you will only need 1/2 yard of any fabric you wish. Patterned material can offer alternate ideas for designs, though a solid color is also an option.

Fabric: Article of clothing or other Home Decor item. I also recommend that for this first projects, the following materials should NOT be chosen - leather, tweed, heavy canvas, silk, satin or heirloom items.

Assort of smaller fabric pieces to use for applique practice. I can bring some small pieces as well to class. If you already have fabric you wish to use, bring it to the first class.

Students will have the option to pay for supplied beads, floss and other materials from the instructor

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Quilting: Beginning Embellishments NEW! 
18y and up N/A Th  03/27/2025 - 05/08/2025
06:00 PM - 09:00 PM

Chelmsford High School - Room 109
$149.00 Tuition, $149.00 Non-Res
* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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