Chelmsford Community Education
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Braided Danish Loaves NEW! Register View Cart

Braided Danish Loaf
Learn to make this beautiful festive treat perfect for Spring Holiday Brunches. This delicious braided loaf of sweet dough is packed with a sweetened cream cheese filling and lemon curd or jam. You will learn the basics of working with yeasted bread dough and pick up plenty of general baking tips and tricks along the way. Everyone goes home with their own 16” by 5” loaf to share, so be sure to bring a suitable container to carry it home in!

NOTE:  This class is a high-demand class.  If spaces are full, remember to add yourself to the waitlist.  If there is enough interest, a second class will be opened up.

Instructor:  Steve Tulloch

About Our Instructor:
Steve Tulloch, chef/owner of Two Desserts Baking, graduated college with a teaching certificate, and after a two-decade detour into tech punctuated by over a dozen baking classes at King Arthur Flour in Vermont, he decided to turn his hobby into a career. In 2019 he entered the Pastry Certificate Program at the Cambridge School of Culinary Arts, graduating in 2020 with High Honors in both Academics and Lab. Steve has his ServSafe Food Protection Manager Certification and Allergen Awareness Training, and is a member of the United States Personal Chef Association.

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Braided Danish Loaves NEW 
18y and up N/A 04/16/2025
06:00 PM - 09:00 PM

Community Education Center - CommEd Kitchen
$65.00 Tuition, $65.00 Non-Res
* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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