Chelmsford Community Education
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Spirit Guide Connection NEW! FALL ONLY! Register View Cart

Spirit Guide

We all have spirit guides who are by our side just waiting to assist and support us.  In this workshop, you will be guided through several quiet exercises to open the connection and learn what it means to reach a higher level of spiritual connection.  Like exercising a new muscle, your abilities will become stronger each time.  Bring a journal, water, and an open mind.

About our instructor:
Marie Tremblay, RMT is a Reiki Master, certified Chakra instructor, and a natural healing instructor with over 35 years of experience.  She became a Certified Reiki Master Teacher in 2017 and currently holds certifications in three Reiki systems - Usui, Karuna and Holy Fire.  In 2020 Marie became a Certified Chakra Master teacher.  Marie has been working with herbs and crystals for healing since 1987 and has been teaching medicinal plant and herb classes since 1997.  Marie provides Reiki treatment and teaches private and group lessons across New England.

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Spirit Guide Connection NEW! 
18y and up N/A Th  10/24/2024
06:00 PM - 08:30 PM

Chelmsford High School - Staff Dining Room
$39.00 Tuition, $39.00 Non-Res
* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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