Chelmsford Community Education
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The Kids' Newsroom

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Kids Newsroom
Extra! Extra! Read all about it! 
Our classroom will become a working newsroom as we write and publish a class newspaper! Don’t like that new school lunch they’re serving? Express your feelings on the editorial page. Going to the school soccer game? Bring your camera and reporter’s notebook and become a beat reporter for our sports section. Going to the new Frozen sequel? Write a glowing or scathing review. A new teacher at school? Sit down with the new music teacher at school and conduct a hard-hitting interview. Our Right Brain Curriculum instructors will teach you the craft of journalism, including investigative writing, research and editing. The Kids' Newsroom: It's hot off the press!

Purchase The Kids' Newsroom and Lego City Creators together for a full day of fun and receive a $25 discount!!

For a full day activity we are now offering a discounted rate if you purchase both the The Kids' Newsroom class in the morning and Lego Future House class in the afternoon. If you purchase the full day bundled class, our lunchtime for this class will be from 11:30 to 12pm.  Students will stay in the classroom space and should bring their lunch, some snacks, and a refillable water bottle.  We have a filtered water bubbler to keep students hydrated through the day.

Instructor:  Right Brain Curriculum, founded in 2016, is a New England-based education company that offers engaging, interactive learning programs. Our mission is to create outstanding, student-centered enrichment programs that allow young learners to acquire new life skills and embark on educational adventures.

* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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