Chelmsford Community Education
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Beginning Quilt Making

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Learn different patterns and techniques to make quilt blocks that can be put together for a table topper, wall hanging or the start of a bed quilt.  This class is for beginners and intermediate sewers.  

Students have the options to bring a sewing machine to class, or hand sew during class and finish their work by machine at home.  

Your first class will be held at a fabric store where you will pick out materials for your project.  You will receive a discount on purchases that evening.

Instructor:  Melissa J. Dawson

Since making her first quilt in 1995 Melissa has tried various techniques and styles, but regardless of technique, design or materials they all rely on understanding the basics of measuring, color and construction. This beginning class will introduce these basics and encourage students to expand them into their own unique sense of color and design.

Supply List
Supplies Needed:
Scissors to cut paper and plastic
Fabric scissors and/or Rotary cutter
12” Clear Plastic Ruler (i.e. Omnigrid)
24" x 6" Clear Plastic Ruler
Cutting Mat
Straight pins (silk or ultra fine)
Size 8 or 9 quilting needles
Thread – 100% cotton or cotton covered poly (neutral color such as medium gray or beige)
Template Material (plastic report covers, magazine inserts, light weight cardboard)
OPTIONAL - Pencil, Paper, Thimble, Glue Stick, Washout Pen or Pencil

Fabric: 100% cotton. For practice samples you will only need 1/2-3/4 yard of background materials.
We will be discussing fabric quantities and preparation, along with principles of design, scale,
and color at the first class.
Assortment of smaller fabric pieces on a variety of colors and designs which you may have on hand.
I can bring some small pieces as well to class. If you already have fabric you wish to use bring it to
the first class.

* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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