Chelmsford Community Education
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Sustainability and Indoor Organic Composting FALL ONLY!

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Are you interested in organic composting?  You can compost even if you don't have access to a backyard!  Learn how to create and maintain a healthy, odorless compost bin that will be fully operational year-round.  You can build a compost system by up-cycling everyday items from your home.  Learn how to harvest compost, and how to make compost 'tea.'

Your registration in this class includes a 1/2 pound compost starter kit container containing the essential micro + macro organisms that are needed to sustain a successful organic composting process.

Instructor:  Ray Pourali

About Our Instructor:  Ray Pourali, a Chelmsford resident, has committed years of independent research towards finding practical solutions to reducing our carbon foot print individually and as a community.  Ray’s focus on organic indoor composting shows you how to recycle organic materials year-round that would traditionally end up in our landfills and convert those materials to organic soil/natural fertilizer. He is determined to encourage and enable everyone to make an immediate and long-lasting impact towards having a greener environment and rejuvenate our green planet today.

* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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