Blast Babysitting/CPR Certification Course
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Potential babysitters will learn how to handle the basics of infant and childcare. Topics you'll cover range from how to react responsibly to medical emergencies, how to perform first aid for common childhood injuries and illnesses, how to set-up and run your own babysitting business and how to entertain with games and songs. Participants receive a certificate of completion, easy to follow first aid instructions and a sitter checklist to copy for each job. Participants should bring a drink to stay hydrated during class.
This training course is for potential teenage babysitters, taught by an EMT. The BLAST! (Babysitter Lessons and Safety Training) program provides training in pediatric first aid, household safety, and the fundamentals of childcare. In addition, this course helps prepare children to interview for a babysitting job, select safe and suitable games and activities, prevent accidents, perform basic first aid and begin babysitting safely and competently. Participants will also be certified in CPR/AED.
Instructor: Juanita Allen Kinglsey, EMT
About Our Instructor:
Juanita Allen Kingsley is the owner of AllenKingsley - Lifelong Learning Essentials. She has a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration from Boston University. She completed her EMT training at Northeastern University and received Wilderness EMT Certification through Mountain Aid Training International.
A word from Juanita:
I became a wilderness-certified EMT about 20 years ago. But rather than working in the field, I used the training I received to create a menu of health and safety programs that I now teach in over 30 Town Recreation Departments and businesses, schools, and faith communities. I’m intrigued by the idea that we can take just a few hours and focus on one topic in a class of kids who don’t know each other at first. There’s a magic that happens as the group comes together, children share their own stories, and we learn from each other as much as from the material I am teaching. A childhood of living in several different countries has made me sensitive to being the “new kid,” and I am determined to make every child feel comfortable in our classes. Whether it’s First Aid, Babysitting, or Home Alone Safety, our time together is separate from the competitiveness of academics, the rigors of athletics, and the scrutiny of social media; it’s about life. My philosophy has always been that we have a responsibility to take care of our own health and wellness and help others do the same. My programs are my way of extending that practice to our community. We’re teaching health and wellness when we learn how to avoid dehydration in a First Aid class or properly use a plunger in Home Alone Safety! These are skills we’ll have forever.
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