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You PLAN in advance. You UNDERSTAND the financial aid process. You ACT early enough to be successful. Financial aid goes to the families who plan in advance ideally before December 31 of the child’s sophomore year of high school. This course will teach you the concepts and strategies that will help you maximize your financial aid by understanding the process and how implementing strategies may increase a family’s eligibility even if you have a “high income” or own a business. The greatest amount of financial aid goes to the families who act during the years before college. Remember, procrastination equals less financial aid. All schools are not alike, so it is important to know your options and opportunities. A free financial aid analysis will be available to all attendees. 

Instructor: Don Anderson.

About Our Instructor:
Don Anderson has been working with college strategies since 1990.  His first association with College Funding Advisor's was as a client.  Don came to CFA after successfully guiding his three children through the financial aid process over an eleven year period. 
Don’s oldest son, Erik, got his undergraduate degree in chemical engineering at Tufts University in 1994 and subsequently completed a three-year graduate program in bio-chemical engineering at Tufts.  He is currently a bio-chemical researcher/process engineer.  His daughter, Lauren, graduated from Yale University in 1997, worked at the UN in Paris for a year and taught for three years in the South Bronx while completing her master’s degree in education.  She is currently completing her PhD at UCLA.  His youngest son, Evan, graduated in 2002 from the University of Pennsylvania and is currently a law student at Temple University.  Don’s wife was previously a college English teacher and currently works as a high school tutor. 
Don received his Bachelor of Science in Engineering from Northeastern University and his MBA in Management from Syracuse University.  Prior to joining College Funding Advisors, Don worked as an analyst and computer systems manager for various international businesses and manufacturing firms.  He now lectures extensively throughout the greater Boston area on his experience and insights in the financial aid system and enjoys guiding families through the college financial process.

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